16 January 2015

Mum in Hospital

    Compelling title. So yeah, my mom had to go to the hospital late Tuesday with what turned out to be appendicitis. I wasn't really worried for some reason. I knew there could be  some complications, but an appendectomy is one of the easier surgeries (imo, I never did any research). We went to visit her on Wednesday after the surgery, and that made me kind of sad. One because she was on oxygen and looked really sick and two because I later  found out that she wouldn't be discharged that day as I had previously hoped.
     My dad told me on Thursday that he was going to the hospital to pick up my mom, but never really got back to me. I had read in the hospital's book that most discharges happen around 11 am, but 11 came and went and no call. Eventually around 4 my dad called and told me that we were going to visit my mom. Once there I saw that she was even more sick. She told me that she wasn't up to talking and that she had nausea and a fever.
     Today is Friday and I learned that my mom would be discharged today. I was really excited and envisioned her walking through the door as her normal healthy self. Well she came around 5, but she certainly wasn't healthy. She was on a portable oxygen and has to be assisted up the stairs and to her bed by my dad. Later some people came and delivered oxygen tanks and an oxygen concentrator (it concentrates oxygen in the air so its an unlimited supply, unlike tanks). She looks so ill and it makes me feel stressed out. I don't know how long this is going to go on. I'm going back to school this Tuesday and I know its bad, but I'm kind of happy to be away from all of this.

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