13 May 2015

Second Life: Day 1

     Yesterday I made an account on Second Life. I was persuaded after reading 2 coincidental blogs about exploration and I decided I'd give it a try. I did try SL before I was 18 but I didn't like it because there is a huge restriction of where you can go when you are under 18 and because the character creation was too complex.
      This is the guy I first chose. I spent quite some time picking him out, but then I quickly realized you could just choose any avatar at any time. So I chose sexy vampire lady:
     Who didn't quite turn out. I was able to fix her by reloading, but it happened again later. Annoying.
 After randomly wandering around the first island I teleported to an other random island. Here I am sitting on a giant bird. Because I can.
     I found out that there are a lot of freebies for newbies (full list). The above look is from Heaven's Gate Neo.
     I spent the rest of my time going from store to store. The first couple were kind of ugly/cluttered, but the last couple were really cool.
     This last one is outside of Pink Fuel, one of my favourite stores. Even the outside is amazing.
     At the end of day one I'm not sure how I feel about SL. I have sort of figured out the wardrobe but its still a bit of a pain. Also there is the issue of not having any money. While I was visiting the stores I thought it would be really cool to learn 3D modeling and make my own stuff to sell, but then I realized to make the really awesome things like Pink Fuel sells I would have to have a lot of photoshop drawing skill, which I don't have. Otherwise I know I could just buy things with real money, but I have my pride. An other big thing is the fact that this isn't really a game; its play. I'm not sure I'm going to find enough to do.
    Well off to go play day 2!

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