01 January 2016

2016 Resolutions (+ reflection on last year)

    I know New Year's resolutions are falling out of fashion, but whatever, I like setting goals. First, lets take a look at last years goals (which I think I set in Feb for my birthday).
    1. Take one picture a day. I sort of accomplished this. Some months were better than others. I think around the summer I did pretty good (because I had nothing else to do).
    2. Donate 10% a month. I've set aside 10% though I haven't gotten around to donating it all. I like it though and I'm going to keep it up next year.
    3. Knit Fair Isle mittens. I think I had this as a goal last year too. I finally figured out that I have the wrong yarn for the Lizbeth Uptis book.
    4. Read 12 books. I blogged about this earlier. I read 25 books!
    5. Apply for 6 jobs. So I kind of failed this because the first job i applied for I got! So this isn't a real failure because obviously the real goal was to get a job
    Now for the new goals!
    1. Save 50% for a car. I really, really want a car so I guess I should buckle down in my savings. I know I can't save up enough in one year, so I won't even make buying one a goal.
    2. Finish Bonnie's Wish shawl. I started this in 2014, but I'm on the last part. I could finish it this month if I really tried, but I know I'll finish it if I make it a resolution.
    3. Read 13 books. One more than last year.
    4. Use my film camera. I bought a random camera from Arc. Obviously I will blog more about it in the future.
    5. Blog more. As in once a week (every Friday).

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